Mergers & Acquisitions

Understanding M&A Strategy

This guide explains some of the strategic rationale behind M&A deals. We look at why M&A is valuable, the difference between financial and strategic buyers, growth through strategic M&A transactions, and we overview some common acquisition strategies.

Intro To Mergers & Acquisitions

This guide explains what mergers and acquisitions are, how they differ, and goes into some high-level detail about how these deals are structured.

Conglomerate Merger

This guide explains what conglomerate mergers are and how they are related to other types of mergers and acquisitions.

Due Diligence in M&A

This guide explains what due diligence is in mergers and acquisitions. It also explains why due diligence is important, the role of due diligence in M&A, and it briefly explains how the due diligence process is performed.

Horizontal Integration

This guide explains what horizontal integration is, how it works, and it highlights the advantages and disadvantages of horizontal integration.

Vertical Integration

This guide explains what vertical integration is. Vertical integration is important for both entrepreneurs and M&A professionals to understand.

What is Financial Leverage?

Financial leverage is a term used frequently in M&A, commercial banking, and in the finance industry in general. It’s an important concept to understand for business owners and finance professionals alike.