Mergers & Acquisitions

Terminal Value & Forecasting in DCF Models

This guide explains how the initial forecast period and terminal value work in DCF valuations.

Unlevered Free Cash Flows

This guide explains what unlevered free cash flow (UFCF) is and its role in business valuation.

Weighted Average Cost of Capital

This guide explains what weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is and explains how it is used in business valuation.

Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Valuation

This guide explains how discounted cash flow (DCF) valuations work and their role in determining the value of a business.

Intro To Private Company Valuation

This guide explains how private company valuation works in M&A deals.

Financial Intermediaries in M&A

This guide explains what financial intermediaries are in M&A deals. We cover what intermediaries do, different types of intermediaries, and explain the rationale behind using an intermediary in an M&A deal.

Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM)

This guide explains what confidential information memorandums (CIMs) are in mergers and acquisitions and their place in the M&A process.