Deals & Acquisitions

Buy-Side M&A Process

In this guide, we explain the buy-side M&A process from start to finish so that readers can understand how merger and acquisition deals work.

Indication of Interest (IOI)

This guide explains what indications of interest are and their role in the M&A process.

Financial Intermediaries in M&A

This guide explains what financial intermediaries are in M&A deals. We cover what intermediaries do, different types of intermediaries, and explain the rationale behind using an intermediary in an M&A deal.

Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM)

This guide explains what confidential information memorandums (CIMs) are in mergers and acquisitions and their place in the M&A process.

How To Write A Teaser

This guide is designed to walk a seller through the process of writing a teaser. A teaser is an important document in M&A transactions and will be the “first look” that potential buyers get at your business.

How Strategic Buyers Search For M&A Deals

This guide explains the process that an acquiring company (strategic buyer) would follow in their search for businesses to buy.

Strategic Buyers in M&A

This guide explains what strategic buyers are in mergers and acquisitions. It goes into further detail about the difference between financial and strategic buyers, and it explains the strategic rationale behind several different types of mergers and acquisitions.