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M&A Transaction Brokering

Learn more about the process of selling your business—and the benefits that M&A advisory provides.

What is M&A Transaction Brokering?

When we broker an M&A transaction, we act as an intermediary helping the business owner or the buyer to successfully complete a transaction.

These transactions can involve the outright sale of the business—but business owners often have more than one exit option to consider.

Sell-side M&A intermediaries represent the seller in an M&A transaction. Buy-side advisors represent the buyer.

These intermediaries may be called business brokers, M&A advisors, or investment bankers. These terms generally refer to the same thing, but usually distinguish the advisor by the size of the transactions they normally work on.

What Do M&A Advisors Do?

M&A advisors advise business owners on everything related to an M&A transaction.

We help clients get the best price possible, with the best terms, by running a professional, efficient, structured M&A process. We are experts in building buyers lists, structuring competitive auctions, negotiating price and terms, and driving the closing process.

These M&A advisors take on many responsibilities including:

  • Preparing the seller for a transaction.
  • Providing a market-based valuation.
  • Advising on market timing and deal structure.
  • Building buyers lists.
  • Managing the bid process.
  • Driving the closing process.

M&A transactions will look different depending on the nature of the deal the owner is seeking to make, and based on the size of the business for sale.

M&A advisors understand how to structure transactions for companies of various sizes.

Small business transactions normally don't require the same amount of structuring that larger companies do. However, the process is made considerably more efficient with an advisor that knows how to close deals.

In comparison, for mid-size companies and larger corporations the M&A process needs to be much more structured. Here an M&A advisor is worth their weight in gold.

How Are M&A Advisors Valuable?

Competent advisors provide tremendous value in M&A deals. The first and most obvious way is the effect that these advisors will have on the final transaction price. You're ultimately concerned with getting the best deal possible, with the best terms possible. M&A advisors are experts at negotiating these deals.

Next, M&A advisors save enormous amounts of time. Middle-market transactions tend to take between nine and fifteen months to close, depending on many factors. You'll save a considerable amount of time and stress by hiring a competent professional to broker the transaction for you. Ideally, the advisor would handle the bulk of the transaction independently and fill the client in on milestones and with results as progress happens. This frees the client up to focus on their core business.

From our perspective, our clients have ranked these four areas as most valuable: finding the buyer or the target company, negotiating the value of the transaction, negotiating deal terms, and driving the closing process. However, there are many additional benefits of hiring an M&A advisor to broker an M&A transaction for you. If you're curious about these, we'd recommend our free guides below.

What To Do Next:

If you're considering hiring an M&A advisor, we recommend that you schedule an introduction call with us. This call will give us the opportunity to learn more about the type of transaction you're considering—and it will give you the ability to get your questions answered.

Additionally, if you're a business owner, we have some excellent free resources that are aimed at educating first time sellers.

Book An Introduction Call

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